
shilling for CP China

首先是看到了http://www.wem.org.cn/news/view.asp?id=305&cataid=15。读罢之后莞尔一笑,原作者Maurice Strong(前联合国官员)大体上还是没有脱离常规,如果他是知识分子,那么他是一个国际左翼中不激进但较傻的那一种;如果他是一个政治家,那么他是一个比较保守昏庸的绥靖派,估计是国际关系学院毕业的。
但是转念一想,左派固然有他们可笑的一面,但是终归不至于写的如此肉麻,于是开始追根溯源。果不其然,这篇文章很大可能是一篇高级五毛译文。这篇所谓的China seen as From China 在网路上根本找不到。只有下面:
看罢英文就知道了,译者不仅无端的把原作者的原文塞入了大量新华社用语,更是凭空捏造出许多Maurice没有说过的话。这位Shilling for CP China的Maurice,如果知晓五毛译者对他文章的努力工作后,是会认可呢,还是会愤怒呢?

Maurice Strong Asks: Does China Have it Right?

by Aaron on August 12, 20083 comments

I have never been to China. Maurice Strong has been going there for years. In Maclean's magazine, he recently made an attempt at smoothing out our impressions of China here in the west; Strong argues that our optics are off when it comes to China.

As one who has been coming to China for more than 40 years and who now spends most of his time here, I cannot help but contrast, with dismay, what I see and experience here with the negative image to which so many in the West are exposed. Even the outpouring of sympathy at the tragic earthquake that caused such severe death and suffering in Sichuan province is accompanied by attempts by some to blame this on the Chinese government. Yet, no government could have responded so efficiently and expeditiously to a disaster of such immense proportions, and few if any are better prepared to do so.

I don't know whether Maurice Strong, as a member of the transnational elite, has any experience in his 40 years with living the average person's life here in Canada, let alone China. In all likelihood, his impressions of China are comprised of a series of Potemkin vignettes. Today, we learn of the 'fake' 9 year old singer who opened for the Olympics; yesterday, it was how the fireworks were digitally enhanced.

China is excellent if you're at the top of the food chain, and so I don't blame him for trying to defend this form of social structure. However, I'm not so sure we in the West have China that wrong. It's a fake plastic society that glosses over harsher realities.
